Sunday 17 January 2016

The use of Vector art into Bitmap Editing

Week 7

  For the week 7, Mdm Nazirah showed us some example of vector graphics. She taught us how to import vector graphics from Illustrator to Photoshop without losing any quality. This thing is a new for us and it is important because we can use it when we do for next assignment which is photobook.
  She asked us to form group of four and go to the lab and do some exercise and using all technique that she taught during the lecture.

we just find all the vector things such as book and human at the . In, we can download all the vector images that we like and it is free! that is important things. So , I will tell the step how to do this things.

  1. click the images that you like and download it.
  2. open the files using illustrator files.
  3. drag the images to photoshop .
Here the easy step if you want to do . Its done !

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